owner`s frrlings

A roaster greeting
TOTTORI COFFEE ROASTER signed home roasted coffee in Tottori city, Tottori Prefecture. It is a roasting factory and branch office of Tottori Coffee kan Co., Ltd.
Which develops 2 restaurants. This roasting factory has a cafe next to it, along with freshly brewed coffee. We are enjoying our meals and sweets.
Main business contents are coffee bean raw material procurement,
Roasting work, Coffee instructor’s Seminar activities utilizing qualifications,
Wholesale of coffee beans for business use,
Support for opening business and we provide technologies and others.
The store name “TOTTORI COFFEE ROASTER” of this roasting factory / branch office
“Being a coffee shop rooted in the region”
“Being a place where people and people are connected”
“Being a coffee shop that can make Tottori to rise up”
Three thoughts are put in it store name.
With these thoughts in mind, we will continue to work on further coffee culture.
Two words to support mental thinking and business thought
“If you want to be real, see the real thing.”
“A dream will end as it is a dream.
When we replace it as a goal we will move towards realization.”
These two words are supporting the feelings of making coffee and business.
Even in my twenties who did not see the future
There were lots of things I learned in retrospect.
At that time I was absorbed in traveling domestic and international waves to surf.
But in reality there were reasons. I wanted to get a job related to my favorite surfing.
Meanwhile, there was a word said to the shopkeeper of a
French restaurant at a part-time job at that time.
“If you want to be genuine, look at the real thing”.
The shopkeeper’s word had persuasive power.
Because he himself was practicing in France.
I was in Indonesia a week after heard it. A view of the world that I feel first time.
The experience at this time is supporting me now.
A Roaster’s story
I saw the coffee roaster machine and roasted scenery for the first time.
That they will do the purchasing of raw materials themselves and finish them to their own taste. I am impressed that “Wonderful and interesting work.”
Based on this, I am interested in roasting coffee.
First of all we started roasting with a simple machine at the beginning and inspected at other shops. While repeating such things
I met M’r Toyoda of roasting coffee shop “SHO-AN” in Matsue City, Shimane prefecture which is the current teacher.
I spent three years go to Matsue, learning roasting and at the weekend selling coffee which roasted himself at each event.
After that each shop also started selling coffee beans.
Retired from the company at that time.
Joined Tottori Coffee kan Co., Ltd. newly. I started working as a main roaster.
November 2015.
Place for coffee roasting to open the cafe “TOTTORI COFFEE ROASTER”.
Currently, we use raw materials directly purchased from our country of origin.
Selling at directly managed stores, and directly coffee beans at restaurants inside and outside the prefecture.
The thought on organic and decaf coffee
At TOTTORI COFFEE ROASTER, we are pleasing to our customers by enriching the contents of the menu dedicated to decaf, in order to focus on the spread of “decaf coffee”.
This is because there are more people worried about caffeine’s impact on health in recent years.
At the time of ordering, if you ask the customer “How about decaf?” Many people are more interested and ordered. (Especially women)
The reason for starting handling “decaf coffee bean” is due to the birth of a child and my wife’s suggestion.
I was actually surprised by the roast and its taste.
Since I was convinced that the quality was “Decaf Coffee”.
I sold it while telling my family’s experience.
More than half of those who purchased were pregnant and were lactating women and their family. Women are influenced by caffeine by drinking coffee. It is worried about preterm birth, breastfeeding and so on.
However, some people seem to have signs that if they pregnant they want to drink coffee indefinitely. Also, those bought the following were in elderly people.
It was a reason for health and reasons for concern of coffee, “caffeine” which can’t sleep at night.
In addition, we acquired “Organic JAS Certification” which was approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries acquired several years ago.
This is the result of consideration to make people’s needs and earth friendly products.
If you do not have this “organic JAS certification”, organic coffee
You can’t write marks in the package. We continue to acquire certification from the feeling that we want to offer products that can be truly reliable.
Reason for traveling to country of origin and purchasing country
Coffee beans are made from coffee crop seeds (subtropical plants).
We want to convey the feelings of everyone involved in making coffee for consumers.
I will go abroad to directly touch producers and materials with their own eyes.
I purchase it as a raw material. I want to tell consumers everything that I experienced.
When buying, it is important to make fair dealings with producers.
As producers are indispensable to us, I think that it is also necessary for each other to continue as a business.
Communication activities between the region and the next generation
We are trying to communicate not only daily store management but also overseas experiences through coffee workshop, latte art experience, coffee roasting experience etc.
This is for adults as well as for children similar contents.
Why do you think to teach children?
Please think about that.
Coffee shops and cafes where my parents took us when I was young.
I think there are pleasant memories in that place.
We hope that such contemporary children learn such pleasant experiences and leave them memorable.
I think it is important to create an environment that has coffee since I was a child.